Senior Front-End Developer at OHIM
02/2012 - 06/2014 (2.5 years)
As part of the User eXperience (UX) team I was completely focused on front-end and JavaScript tasks. This helped me to deepen in front areas. My tasks and responsibilities were:
- Design and develop front-ends for several single page applications. Using Backbone with Underscore as main framework and others libraries like jQuery and Datatables for widgets. Communicating with back-end services by JSON.
- Code a custom timeline plugin using raw JavaScript and helped by RaphaelJs library to draw the SVG image. It receives data from a JSON structure.
- Create a front-end framework used by all website applications to obtain a harmonised L&F. Taking bootstrap as a base and coding custom components with Less. Documented its use in a wiki.
- Make prototypes from mock-ups provided by graphical designers and give support to back-end developers to adapt them to JSP templates.
- Analyse several building and packaging systems to easily create deliverables from code. Also used during coding phase for testing purposes.
- Research different ways to create a development environment and share it between developers in order to work everyone with the same configuration.
- Act as an architect and define the front-end architecture and guidelines for new tools.
Senior Web Developer at NewPyme S.L.
10/2005 - 01/2012 (6.5 years)
I was responsible to everything related with IT, so I went through diverse areas achieving a great background. My tasks and responsibilities were:
- Analyse, design and code several portals with financial and banking content, using a CMS as a base, but cleaning and optimizing deeply its core and modules. I used PHP and MySQL. Front-end side was coded using HTML and CSS 2.1. User interactions were managed with jQuery and ExtJS.
- Develop financial simulators for stocks, inversion funds, mortgages, loans, fixed incomes, taxes…
- Modify open source application cores to allow them being multi-domain. For forums and blogs.
- Design, develop and implement a distributed CMS from scratch. Coding my own PHP framework and template engine and using MySQL as database. Front-end coded with XHTML and CSS 2.1. It allowed serving pages to different domains applying distinct themes to the content. It attended many concurrent users (40,000 visits per day)
- Design and code a single page application for calendar purposes from scratch. Taking advanced of GWT and CSS3 for front-end side and my own PHP framework for back-end REST services. Communication between sides was done using JSON.
- Manage a virtualized environment for production. Installing and configuring servers from the host OS (VMware ESXi) to the guest machines (linux with server software).